03 October, 2015

Analyzing My Own Assumptions

In this post, I will analyze my assumptions about this text.

DeVolson, Grant "American Gothic" 1930 via Wikipedia. Public domain.
  1. What cultural values do I share with this text? I agree with the value that animal testing is morally wrong.
  2. What cultural values do I not share with this text? I don't think that animal testing is morally wrong enough to do away with completely. I think it's wrong but it yields effective drugs for humans.
  3. If the text was written in a different culture, what values connect to mine? Since little is known about the author, I do not know if this was written within the same culture. However, when it comes to an issue like this, most developed countries have this issue and people within those cultures share views similar to this.
  4. If this text was written in the same culture but a different historical time, how have the values developed or changed? The culture in which this is written is inferred to be very similar to my own. This was written in 2006 which is a while ago but not a different historical time. Ideology is still very similar now to how it was then.

1 comment:

  1. I think you should explain why your values are similar or different from your text's cultural values, even though it may be difficult to give such a reason for your stance on this ethical issue. I like your response to question 2 because it shows you put thought into the extent of your beliefs defending animals from unethical treatment. Good job.
