17 October, 2015

Reflection on Project 2 Draft

I will reflect on my rough draft of project 2 in this post.

Do you have an identifiable thesis? Does it point to specific rhetorical strategies you analyze in your essay, or are you merely using vague terms like ethos, pathos, and logos?

I have an identifiable thesis that clearly states two of the rhetorical strategies I analyzed but the counterargument/refutation is vaguely stated.

How have you decided to organize your essay? Does each paragraph have a central point that is supported with evidence from the text and in-depth analysis?

I organized my essay the standard way of explaining each rhetorical strategy in their own body paragraph. I had evidence in each paragraph but my analysis is lacking. I need to develop the points more and transition better between points.

Did you clearly identify and analyze several important elements of the text's rhetorical situation and/or structure?
I clearly identified the elements of the rhetorical situation but the analysis needs development.

File:Reflecting pool.jpg
"Reflection pool" 4/4/5 via Wikipedia. Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported

Did you explain how and why certain rhetorical strategies were employed? Did you discuss what effects these strategies have on the intended audience and overall effectiveness of the text?

I did not explain why the rhetorical strategies were employed or what effects the strategies have on the intended audience. I did not have a complete understanding of the prompt so I will need to go back and add that information.

Are you thoughtfully using evidence in each paragraph? Do you mention specific examples from the text and explain why they are relevant?

I have evidence, I just don't think it's thoughtfully used. I sort of just threw in evidence from the text without giving a full thought as to why it's important. I gave specific examples from the text and explained why they are relevant but I did not analyze why they are effective.

Do you leave your reader wanting more? Do you answer the "so what" question in your conclusion?  

I think my draft is okay but it does leave out some critical analysis. I have no conclusion so nothing is answered by my conclusion.

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