26 September, 2015

Evaluation of Rhetorical Situations

For this post, I analyzed 3 biased sources on one of my possible research questions.

Wuest, Kyle. Screenshot taken 9/26/15.
Here's a link to the document.


  1. Hello,

    I really enjoyed the format of your post. I was interesting to read and easy to follow. I especially liked the brevity of the post as a whole. However, what I would work on is the extent of the information presented. While being concise in your presentation is ideal, you should at least add a little more information to your points , just for the sake of credentials.

    Good Job

  2. You gave a quick and easy to read summary of the rhetorical situations of these articles. The Huffington Post article will probably be the easiest to analyze for the next series of blog posts. That article is particularly obvious in its stance, and has enough content to satisfy the analysis requirements. The Wordpress article could work too, but there seems to be less contextual information.
